Eat Chiken

Orange County Car Accident Lawyer Wins Collision Case With Dash Cam

Recently a client of Tustin
car accident attorney was hit by another driver in
the city of San Bernardino in California. While going
through an intersection an oncoming vehicle turning
left (which did not have the right of way) impacted the attorney’s client’s automobile, causing damage to
the vehicle, and injuries to the client. The
attorney’s client had a dash cam installed in the car
and the whole accident was caught on tape.
It clearly showed the client had a
green light and the right of way and that the left-turning driver was at fault.

If it weren’t
for the video camera footage the insurance company
of the at-fault driver would not have settled for the amount the
attorney got for the
client. Once the insurance company’s defense lawyer viewed
the footage she knew it would be very persuasive in a
court of law. The lawyer settled the case for the insurance
company’s policy limit of $100,000

car accident attorney

Eat Chiken

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