Eat Chiken

Are you looking for the Lovers’ Tarot card?

Your first instinct will most likely be to associate this card as representing love however, just as love, it does not possess a simple nature. It is not just that love take many forms, but the love of a person can signal important or difficult choices ahead in your daily life. This is bad, in the sense that the choices it suggests are generally mutually exclusive, options that lead to two completely different futures, but also good, in that it confirms that at least one of them will take you to a better position. So, if you happen to find this in the spreads, be aware of it, but not fear it. It is a story about difficult decisions, which are likely to be painful, but the right decision and positive outcome are within your grasp. The Lovers card shows naked men and women standing across from each other. The woman appears under an apple tree and snakes, which evokes the Garden of Eden. The man is standing before a tree with twelve trefoil flames, which symbolize the twelve signs of the zodiac and the fiery passion that defines his destiny. Above the figures are the angels of the air, Raphael, who looks down upon the pair as the pair are blessed by him. Air is associated with communication, the foundation of healthy relationships. In the background we see the mountain, which is the symbol of phallics — and a riverthat represents femininity. The Lovers card symbolizes the unification of two forces that are at odds, and also the fleeting bliss of one moment before it gets corrupted. If you happen to draw this card it’s a signal that you’re at a major crossroads: the choices you’re about to make may alter the course of your existence. The Lovers could also suggest that you’re one who takes decisions with a heart. This card symbolizes an empathetic and sensual individual who is prone to rash decisions and easily succumbs to the lure. The Lovers symbolize harmony, love and perfection in a relationship. You and your partner are soulmates. Your relationship is based on deep love as well as trust giving you the strength to overcome obstacles together and empower one another. The Lovers can also suggest that a relationship with a sexual partner will evolve into something more since there’s a basis of attraction. This passion has the potential to develop into genuine intimacy, so you recognize the importance of communication open. The most important decision in your career usually is reflected in the Lovers card. Because it is an element of Major Arcana, your choice should not be made lightly, as it will have far reaching consequences. Be true to your heart and follow your passion. This will result in happiness and success in long term. In many cases, the most effective option is the one that appears more difficult. The Lovers may also be a sign that a business partnership will be productive and also that you and your partner are committed to the long haul. The Lovers represent a sense of mutual affection not just between people, but also between you and your money. If you’ve been low on cash recently, help is on its way, but only if you seek help and explain your problems to another person. This is also the perfect time to take the risk of financial investment, like starting your own business, seeking a loan, or going back to the school you attended.

lovers tarot card

Eat Chiken

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